Happens several times a week

Happens several times a week

Working at an Ica store means in most cases that you meet hundreds of customers every day who come into the store to buy food. In the majority of stores, the areas of responsibility are clearly divided and there are some responsible for dairy, some for vegetables, some for charcuterie/deli and so on.

ICA store gives away free goods – every week

Shopping at Ica is something most Swedes have done. Image source: Fredrik Sandberg /TT

In addition to unpacking goods, inventorying and tidying up the shelves, the staff inside the store are available to help customers who may not be able to find what they are looking for, or who simply need help with which item they need. What is the difference between Chinese soy and Japanese, does gluten-free pasta taste like regular pasta and is there a clear difference between clementines and satsumas?

The shop manager’s plea: Think about this when you buy milk at Ica

Many employees consider the customer contact to be a pleasant part of the job, but there are also some times when the customers can be… somewhat troublesome.

The shop manager’s sneak shot from Ica

News24 made contact with one of Ica’s store managers who tells us about some less flattering things that customers can wear in the store. Among other things, there is an accepted joke among the employees that most people who have worked at Ica can recognize.

– When a customer rolls in a cart and wants to ‘bulk’ five minutes before the store closes… it’s like that. Or the customer who always forgets a bag, pays, and then takes a bag. Often it is the same person who does it systematically, he says.

The store manager: Many customers sneer in front of the eyes of the Ica staff

Another thing that in the long run becomes a bit costly for the store is when customers regret their goods.

– People regret with fridge and freezer goods and therefore leave them on various shelves in the store. It happens that you find a yogurt or milk next to the chips, which you then have to throw away. It would have been appreciated if the customer might have taken that minute and gone back with the product, he says.

But it also happens that the opposite happens.

– Then it also happens that you find goods in the freezer that shouldn’t be there. Even that is a bit sad, he concludes.

That’s what the shop staff joke about you doing inside Ica

Not long after the interview with the store manager, he saw something in the store. And quite rightly, it was a clear example of how things can happen when goods are put in places where they shouldn’t be.

You can also do this when shopping inside Ica. Image source: Private

The picture shows how a customer took two wieners, straight up and down, without a bag. Then to regret it and then instead put them by the shelf with honey.

The ICA store alerts: “A little bit of nonsense”

Will it be thrown away immediately?

– Of course. Not that anyone wants coffee bread with traces of a metal shelf transported by hands that, with a bit of luck, have been washed, concludes the ICA manager.

Customers mock ICA staff after the new investment
