In the days, one person went out on Tiktok and told her that she happened to eat a mask, which was sitting on the salad on a fast food burger.
The video has been shown over 300,000 times and many people find it all unpleasant and disgusting. But how dangerous is it to happen to eat a mask that has come up with a piece of salad?
News24 Have talked to Fredrik Eidhagenclinics and chief physicians at the Poison Information Center.
According to him, you can breathe out as it is unusual for the larvae found in Sweden to give rise to infection.
– The most common types of worms in food in Sweden usually do not be worms but larvae. You can get several types of machine infections via contaminated intake by mouth. However, there are a number of different worms that may be in food but in Sweden it is unusual that there is some mask that can give rise to an infection, Eidhagen tells News24.
If you happen to eat a mask you can then breathe out a bit.
– However, eating a mask is harmless as the mask cannot multiply in the gastrointestinal tract, but it dies in the stomach of the acid there. What can give rise to a machine infection is intake of the mask’s eggs, he tells News24.
But he also says that it is unusual to be infected by the mask’s eggs, as the sturgeons are mainly spread through stool or in some cases cough in Sweden.
But if you were to suffer severe stomach upset, it may still be an idea to seek medical attention.
– My advice is to let it all depend but seek care for sampling if the person gets severe stomach symptoms, weight loss, pronounced diarrhea, cough, respiratory problems or yellow -colored skin. But as I said, this cannot be done via the intake of a mask, Eidhagen tells News24.