Hanukkah: date 2023, hanukkah candlestick and traditions

Hanukkah date 2023 hanukkah candlestick and traditions

People of the Jewish faith celebrate Hanukkah every year. It is one of the longest holidays in the Hebrew calendar, spanning eight days with several rituals. Details.

For more than a week, Jews around the world celebrate Hanukkah with family or loved ones. This “Festival of Lights”, its other name, is an integral part of Jewish culture and is even listed in the Hebrew calendar. Far from the solemnity of other Jewish holidays, Hanukkah is celebrated with joy and a spirit of rejoicing. Several rituals and customs are honored during Hanukkah. When is Hanukkah in 2023? What is the story behind this party? What are the rituals? Here is all the information you need to know about this Jewish holiday.

What are the dates of Hanukkah 2023?

In 2023, the Hanukkah holiday takes place from Thursday 7 to Friday 15 December. It begins the evening of the first day. In the Hebrew calendar, the Festival of Lights, which therefore lasts 8 days, begins each year on the eve of 25 of the month of Kislev, according to the Hebrew calendar. In France, it has a fluctuating date depending on the correspondence of its fixed date in the Gregorian calendar, and generally occurs between the end of November and the end of December.

What is the story of Hanukkah?

At IIe century BC, after multiple confrontations, Greco-Syrian Seleucid kings rule over Judea. In a perspective of Hellenization of his kingdom, King Antiochus IV decides to prohibit the Jewish religion while his father, Antiochus III, had previously guaranteed freedom of worship. Refusing this sentence, some Jews, led by Judas Maccabee, go into resistance. Emerging victorious from the struggle opposing them to the Seleucid troops, the Jews reconquered Jerusalem and built a new altar in the temple. It’s time to relight the candlestick. Only a vial of oil is found intact, after the desecration and sacking of the temple. Its capacity was only intended to supply the ignition for a single day, but against all odds, a miracle occurs: the candlestick finally remains lit for eight days, exactly the time necessary to carry out a new oil extraction.

What is the meaning of Hanukkah?

In Hebrew, “Hanukah” means “inauguration”, in reference to the building of the Temple in Jerusalem which had been destroyed. Hanukkah also symbolizes The festival of lights”, in reference to the ignition of a vial of oil which miraculously lasted 8 days.

What is the deeper meaning of Hanukkah?

For the Jewish people, Hanukkah has a very deep symbolism. We celebrate the “miracle of the vial of oil”, the victory of light over darkness, hence the name “Festival of Lights”. The flame of the candle is thus a light in the night. An allegory to signify that even in the depths of despair, one can find a spark of salvation.

To wish each other a happy Hanukkah, the faithful usually say to each other “Hag Sameah” (pronounced “rag saméar”) or “Hanukkah Sameah“, which mean “Happy Birthday” or “Happy Hanukkah”. If you are not part of the Jewish community, you can very well tell the person you know “Happy Hanukkah”, “Happy Hanukkah” or try the Hebrew version.

When to wish a good Hanukkah?

There is no specific time to wish a good Hanukkah, but the best is to say it before the start of the festivities. In any case, if you forgot you can easily catch up since Hanukkah lasts several days.

9-branch Hanukkah menorah: why do we light candles?

Emblem of the Hanukkah holiday, the nine-branch candlestick, also called Hanukkah, is the object around which all prayers and ceremonials are concentrated. Each evening, a new candle is placed to the left of the candle lit the day before, while prayers and liturgical songs are recited. The ninth branch, called the Shamash, is used to light the other candles (from left to right). On the first evening, we light a single candle using the Shamash, on the second evening, two candles, and so on until the 8th day, when the candlestick is fully lit. When lighting the candles, the Jews recite a prayer.

To light Hanukkah candles, you must first light the main candle, called shamash. It is the one that is set back and a little higher than the others. Once the shamach is lit, it is with its flame that the other candles will be lit.. Traditionally, the hanukkiah should be placed in front of a window, to share and shine the lights of the holiday.

What time to light the candles?

Traditionally, the lighting of the candles is done with the family, at the time of nightfall, between sunset and the appearance of the stars. The candles or vials must be able to shine for at least half an hour.

What is the difference between a Menorah and a Hanukkah?

The hanukkiah is directly inspired by the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum of the Temple of Jerusalem. The seven branches correspond to the seven days of the week, while Hanukkah has nine supports. Eight are necessarily aligned, and the ninth, called the Shamash, is used to light the other candles and must be raised. The eight branches refer directly to the eight days during which the vial of oil lasted.

Why do we play spinning tops on Hanukkah?

At the time, despite the ban on studying the Jewish religion decreed by Antiochus IV, some Jews continued to learn Torah underground.. When they feared being spotted in their activity, they hastened to play spinning tops, in order to create a diversion. The top also called “dreïdel” includes four letters of the Hebrew alphabet on each side (Noun, Guimel, Hé and Pé) and remains an essential element of the Hanukkah celebration. Since then, this ritual has remained.

What gift to give for Hanukkah?

It is customary to offer children some change during Hanukkah. This gratification is supposed to encourage them to study. Games or books related to religion as well as spinning tops are among the most classic gifts. The nature of the gift may vary depending on the degree of spirituality of the families.. Some children will thus be given gifts and toys with no religious connotation. In most homes, children are particularly spoiled, like at Christmas, with a gift every evening for 8 days!

Why do we eat donuts on Hanukkah?

Made from oil, the donut in turn recalls the miracle of the vial… It is the central food of the Hanukkah holiday. In Hebrew, these donuts are called Sufganiot, they are dipped in sugar and shared with the family during the feast. According to tradition, some donuts are also filled with chocolate or jam. Generally speaking, fried foods are eaten for Hanukkah. We then meet as a family for the lighting of candles, we offer gifts to children, we sing and we dance, while tasting donuts.

Why Hanukkah lasts 8 days?

The duration of Hanukkah is of course to be compared to the miracle described in the biblical story. The vial of oil indeed lasted 8 days.
