Hanouna and M6: bad cropping in front, nice arrangements from behind

Hanouna and M6 bad cropping in front nice arrangements from

New tensions appeared between Cyril Hanouna and his future employer M6. But things are happening behind the scenes that no one knows.

Clashes, threats and public reframing between the teams of the M6 ​​group and Cyril Hanouna degenerate. After the strong reactions provoked by the announcement of the recruitment of the host at the end of February, in particular that of Karine Le Marchand, the tone was still raised this week, thanks to a new number of the PAF troublemaker. Cyril Hanouna attacked it violently in TPMP To Bruno Guillon, host of Fun Radio (a subsidiary of M6), on the grounds that he would have refused to pose with him on a possible “family photo” of the group stars at the start of the school year. Very badly took him.

Moving the hearings of the morning of Guillon on the radio and even threatening to land him (Hanouna is one of the shareholders of the production company of the program), “Baba” has dropped. But he also took a resounding back stick from his future employer. M6 has indeed published a press release At the beginning of the week, providing “all his support” to Bruno Guillon and recalling his good audiences, while regrading “strongly the remarks made (the day before) in TPMP“. A good -time reframing for Hanouna, even before you start her new job.


The settlement of accounts, a little annoying, is added to the new statements by Karine Le Marchand, who also – and publicly this time – warned that she would refuse to pose alongside Cyril Hanouna. If she agreed not to resign from the M6 ​​group, she would have posed some conditions on the arrival of her worst enemy in the company. And according to several media, including Liberation, serious arrangements would have taken place behind the scenes.

First, the apology of Cyril Hanouna. On the set of TPMP A few days ago, Cyril Hanouna broadcast an intriguing montage of the attacks he may have uttered in the past against the host of Love is in the meadowbefore apologizing for having made “mistakes” and even launched “false information”. A sequence meticulously prepared by the teams of Karine Le Marchand, who even went so far as to write the text of apology herself, said Libé. All after consultation with the management of M6.

Karine Le Marchand would also have laid M6 conditions, between small arrangements and very strict clauses contractually framing any interaction with Hanouna. The latter would not have the right to quote his name on the antenna, nor to officer on the M6 ​​channel, remaining confined to W9 and Fun Radio. The famous back -to -school photo would obviously be excluded. In the event of non-compliance with these clauses, Hanouna would be exposed to a layoff or even a dismissal. Karine Le Marchand could leave the group without notice with strong allowances.

Behind the media shots, the relations between M6, Karine Le Marchand and Cyril Hanouna would therefore be, at worst, those of a balance of power, whose host seems to be winning, at best a non -aggression pact. It remains to be seen if these safeguards will be enough to contain the grazes and the clashes.
