Eintracht Spandau, the LoL team from YouTuber HandOfBlood, started 2022 with ambition. You want to inspire the German league and play for the European Cup in the long term. But the first year was sporty a disappointment. Everything should be better now.
What is this team? Eintracht Spandau started in 2022 in the highest German league in League of Legends: the Prime League. There they caused a stir:
In 2023 everything should get better in terms of sport. The team announced some changes to the squad. Exactly these were now presented as part of the Dreamhack.
Who is on the new team? Pride (top lane) and Special (mid lane) remain from the old roster. New are: Zanzarah for the jungle, LiLipp as a supporter and SMILEY as an AD carry.
Above all, the experience impresses many fans. On Twitter and YouTube it says, for example: “European Cup”, “I love the new roster” or “It’s finally fun to watch again”. The victory against a streamer team also causes euphoria.
Everything you need to know about the LoL team Eintracht Spandau – in 4 minutes
New roster creates excitement, directly dismantles a large streamer team
Who are the new players? The big highlight in the new roster is new jungler Nikolay “Zanzarah” Akatov. He played for Astralis from 2020 to 2022 and last summer for Misfits in the LEC. So he gained experience in the top European league and reached 4th place in the Summer Split.
At 26, he may be a bit older, but he brings a lot of experience to Eintracht Spandau. He is best known for his Skarner picks.
Philipp Samuel “Lilipp” Englert is the new supporter. He last played for direct competitor Schalke 04 in the Prime League, but has also been in the squad for the second team of MAD Lions and for SK Gaming.
At 21, he is the youngest player in the Eintracht squad. His signature champ is Thresh.
The third new player is Ludvig Erik Hugo “SMILEY” Granquist. The Swede previously played for Vitality.Bee, the team that Eintracht Spandau lost to in the group stage of the European Cup. Most recently he played for GamersOrigin in France.
SMILEY is best known for the champions Lucian and Jhin. At 24, he’s still full of juice.
Who are the old players? Mahdi “Pride” Nasserzadeh was born on March 13, 1998 in Switzerland. In early 2020, Pride joined Fnatic Rising, Fnatic’s second team, and competed with them at the European Masters. For the 2022 season he then came to Eintracht Spandau.
Above all, Pride delighted the fans with some impressive solo actions on the top plane. He should do that again in 2022. He was particularly convincing with Gankplank and Jayce.
Joran “Special” Scheffer remains the midlaner at Eintracht Spandau. He played with the Excel Academy team in the European Masters in 2020 and reached the quarterfinals there twice. In 2021 he moved to the French LFL, but failed to qualify with the teams there.
The Dutchman has been playing for Eintracht Spandau since 2022 and was particularly impressive on Syndra.
Can the line-up convince? Yes, because without much training they played their first competitive match directly at the Dreamhack. The opponent: No Need Orga, a team of streamers that made promotion to the first division perfect in 2022.
Although the players are all older, that doesn’t make them any less successful. The German shoutcaster Tolkin or the well-known LoL streamer NoWay4U will be there.
However, Eintracht Spandau managed to win both matches in the best of three. This causes euphoria among the fans. You can watch the recording of the matches on YouTube.
The fans of Eintracht Spandau are looking forward to the new 2023 season with excitement. For fans of NNO things are a bit different. Because the team would have to accept some restrictions, such as a ban on streams while the tournaments are running. Your career would be severely curtailed.
That’s why there will be an NNO Prime in 2023, with an adjusted line-up. More on this topic here:
LoL: Disappointment in Germany – The 5 Twitch streamers will not play in the 1st league, despite the miracle promotion