YouTuber Maximilian “HandOfBlood” Knabe (30) is primarily associated with League of Legends. However, he tends to appear behind the scenes, for example as president of the eSports team Eintracht Spandau. But now he wants to know it again and go among the active players. Included he faces a special challenge.
Season 13 has just started in LoL and the Spandau HandOfBlood is apparently itching to get back into the MOBA. The YouTuber doesn’t just want to dabble a bit for fun, but is pursuing a high goal: he wants to climb to the highest rank right away.
As a special incentive, he makes a bet.
In his role as President Knabe, HandOfBlood competes with Eintracht Spandau in the Prime League.
Everything you need to know about the LoL team Eintracht Spandau – in 4 minutes
HandOfBlood wants to get it right again
What is HandOfBlood up to? On January 16, the YouTuber announced on Twitter that he wanted to get back into LoL with the current season. He wants to make it to Challenger, the highest rank in LoL. Depending on the region, the top 300 or 200 players are in this tier.
Why is this such a challenge? The path to becoming a challenger is long and tedious: first of all, a player is assigned a rank after the so-called placement matches. So not everyone automatically starts at the bottom. There are a total of 9 ranks in LoL, of which the bottom 6 are divided into 4 divisions.
In order to level up, League Points, or LP for short, must be collected. 100 of these points are needed to get a chance to advance. In order for the promotion to the next higher division to really work, a best-of-three has to be won, for the next higher rank even a best-of-five.
How many LP you gain from a win – or lose from a loss – depends on your own skill level and that of the opponent, which is assigned by Riot as a matchmaking rank. If you lose a promotion match, your LP will be reset to 0.
So the ascent is really difficult and involves a terrible grind.
Confidence in the YouTuber’s skills is limited
The comments below the tweet reacted to the idea with humor. So the Let’s Player Pascal “MrMoregame” Rothkegel generously offers to promote Spandau to the top of the ranking list – he himself plays in the second lowest rank, bronze.
Lukas “Karni” Steininger, who works as a support for the No Need Orga (NNO) team, is skeptical. Before that happens, Eintracht Spandau, the HandOfBlood team, would rather win the Prime League, the highest league in German-speaking countries.
The man from Spandau can’t let that sit on him and immediately proposes a bet: If he doesn’t manage to rise to the challenger rank, he’ll donate €10,000 to the animal shelter in Berlin, for which he has been committed for a long time. If he does make it, Karni will have to pay €1,000 to the shelter.
In this case, it is a bet for a good cause. However, there is also a problem in LoL with bets that do not have lofty goals:
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How is the action received? Pretty good. Other German content creators also get involved and bet either on or against HandOfBlood. In doing so, they agree to donate between 150 and 1,000 to the shelter if he reaches Challenger rank or not.
Either way, a few thousand euros should come together for the shelter.
If you’ve also gotten the urge to get back into LoL for Season 13, this list might be helpful for you to climb up the leaderboards.
LoL: The best champions for each role at the start of Season 13