Handball: Sweden repeated the Olympics in the best way by defeating Germany

In recent years, Sweden has had a giant between the posts in Andreas Palicka, so when he was missing due to illness, it is not surprising that the Swedes get a little worried.

But then the hero of the match and substitute goalkeeper Tobias Thulin would show off the Swedish goalkeeper width.

When twelve minutes had passed, the score was 9-7, but then the 28-year-old started to nail it again – and really. Thulin allowed just four turnovers in 18 minutes and gave Sweden a 19-11 halftime lead.

In the second half, Sweden started to shake a little and slowly but surely Germany ate into the match, they came as close as 20-24. But it didn’t get any closer than that, but Sweden was finally able to ride out the storm and win by a margin of six balls, 34-28.

– We play a great match, then there are small periods where it gets a bit choppy, but it is difficult to play at the top for 60 minutes, says Felix Claar, who is also praised as the world’s best player by Mikaela Mässing in the SVT studio.

This was Sweden’s last match before the Olympic squad is presented. One international match remains against Egypt on July 18 in Eskilstuna.

– I see us as a very complete team and unfortunately there are several good players who will not be able to come along to the Olympics, says national team captain Glenn Solberg.

The Olympic premiere will be played on July 27.

Who do you meet then?

Well, it’s Germany.

The best from Sweden-Germany
