Handball: Sävehof saved points with junior goalkeepers – but third straight without a win

-I have to give an eloge to Wilma Saul who stands for 60 minutes in her first match in the A-team context and has 35 in rescue percentage, says Sävehof’s coach Andreas Wallin to the Handball League Live.

With the two ordinary goalkeepers injured and Kris, the 06ths were released Tora Petersson and Wilma Saul in Sävehof’s goal. It was Wilma Saul who was allowed to stand the whole match.

– It is sour that we lose a point but we met a Skövde who is on the rise. It was a tough away game, says Sävehof’s coach Andreas Wallin.

Still, Sävehof acknowledged with only two seconds left.

It looked as if Saul could become a match winner when she made an important rescue at 25-25 in the final minutes.

Dramatic closing seconds

When Nina Dano had the chance to give Sävehof the lead, Josefine Gundersen instead made a parade in Skövde’s goal on the free situation and Skövde got the chance to take the lead.

Saul saved a line shot where the ball slowly rolled out to the edge and the Bundesligany acquisition Mie Rakstad made 26-25 for Skövde with just over 20 seconds left.

– It was great for MIE and for the team to score such an important goal at the end, says Skövde’s coach Kasper Gudnitz.

It was the first point against Sävehof after 17 straight losses, a suite that goes back to November 2017. It was a win but Thea Stankiwicz sprinkled a shot for 26-26 with two seconds left-her only goal in the match.

– It is a dropped point because they score goals in the last second, but I am certainly quite satisfied tomorrow, says Gudnitz.
