Hamilton has requested to be dismissed as a Member of Parliament

Liberal Carl B Hamilton is leaving the Riksdag. This is announced by the Member of Parliament in a press release.
“Today I have requested to be dismissed from my position as a member of the Swedish Parliament,” says Hamilton in the message, according to TT.

Carl B Hamilton is leaving the Riksdag, the Liberals announced in a press release.

The Member of Parliament has requested to be dismissed. This after several high-profile comments about where the limit for supporting SD is.

“Today I have requested to be dismissed from my position as a member of Sweden’s Riksdag. It has been fantastically fun and responsible to have for over 30 years served as an elected representative, to have handled the 90s crisis as State Secretary and as part of the leadership of Yes to Europe paved the way for Sweden to be a member of the European Union today,” says Hamilton in the message according to TT.

Hermanrud: L loses a competent person

Despite the fact that Carl B. Hamilton was a real tramp on the piano, the Liberals are now losing a very competent person, according to TV4 Nyhetern’s political expert commentator Per Hermanrud.

– It was a serious verbal abuse he did, but the party leadership forgave him and he apologized. According to the press release, he is resigning at his own request. It seems to be a decision that he has made himself, he says.

– It is of course a big personal blow for Carl B Hamilton. He is 77 years old and has worked in politics for 30 years. He’s been around for decades and now he’s ending his career this way. The Liberals are losing a very competent person.

How do you think Hamilton’s political act will be remembered?

– He probably hopes that this matter will be forgotten and that posterity will remember his good deeds.

TV4 Nyheterna has been in contact with Carl B Hamilton who confirms that he has requested to be dismissed. However, he declines the interview request.


See Hamilton’s statement about SD: “The border – if they start to speak the same way about Jews”

The text is updated.
