Hamas attack on Israel: This happened today

Hamas attack on Israel This happened today

You can see the main events of the war that broke out today in this article.

The attack by Hamas started at 6:30 in the morning

Hamas fighters fired thousands of rockets into Israeli cities as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

At the same time, Hamas forces attacked several Israeli cities. Some of the attackers reportedly landed on their targets with hang gliders.

The Hamas surprise attack was a huge setback for Israeli intelligence. According to Hamas, the attack is a response to Israel’s occupation policy and the desecration of Jerusalem’s holy places.

Street fights and attacks on kibbutzim

Hamas is reported to have at least partially taken over several small Israeli towns near the border. One of them is Sderot, where there are fierce street fights.

In addition, Hamas has attacked kibbutzim near the border. There are more than 20 settlement centers where fighting was still going on in the evening.

Hamas takes hostages

Hamas is said to have fortified themselves in residential buildings in kibbutzim and are holding hostages there.

In addition, it has taken dozens of Israeli soldiers to the Gaza Strip. They are used as pawns to get Israel to release Palestinian prisoners from its own prisons.

Israel strikes back

Israel has called up hundreds of thousands of reservists. Fighting to drive out Hamas militants continues.

At the same time, the air force is violently striking Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu according to the country is at war.

Hundreds of deaths

Fierce battles and bombings have already caused hundreds of deaths on the first day of the war.

By Saturday evening, it was reported in Israel that the war had claimed 200 lives and 1,100 injured. According to the information received so far, 200 Palestinians have also been killed and 1,600 have been injured.

The Hamas attack is widely condemned

Western countries and the European Union have condemned the attack by Hamas and especially the taking of civilian hostages.

Hamas receives support from at least Iran, Qatar, Kuwait and the Hezbollah organization operating in Lebanon. Many countries in the Middle East are content to demand an end to hostilities. However, in some Arab countries, people have taken to the streets to celebrate the attack by Hamas.

The UN Security Council will meet on Sunday to discuss the matter.
