Hamas: an LFI deputy brandishes a Palestinian flag in the Assembly – L’Express

Hamas an LFI deputy brandishes a Palestinian flag in the

Session incident at the Palais Bourbon. The deputy La France insoumise Sébastien Delogu brandished, this Tuesday, May 28, in the hemicycle of the National Assembly a Palestinian flag during questions to the government, causing an interruption by President Yaël Braun-Pivet who denounced behavior “inadmissible”.

While Minister Franck Riester answered a question from LFI MP Alma Dufour on the situation in Gaza, Sébastien Delogu stood up, holding a Palestinian flag. Faced with the uproar, President Yaël Braun-Pivet suspended the session. She announced at the resumption of the session that she was “immediately” convening a bureau of the Assembly “to be able to rule on the case of Mr. Delogu”.

“A strategy of brutalizing public debate”

The tumult continued in the Salle des Quatre Colonnes, where a violent verbal altercation took place between LFI deputy David Guiraud and LR Meyer Habib. “This gentleman is a pig, he shames France,” said the first, “you scum,” replied the second. The bailiffs intervened between the two men.

READ ALSO: Mobilizations for Gaza: in the mind of a rebellious student with little disadvantage, by Denys de Béchillon

“The president was right. We could not remain in public session with such provocation. This is the last step in a strategy of brutalizing the public debate. Sébastien Delogu prefers the strategy of political coup rather than the strategy of peace in the Middle East. It does nothing to advance peace in the Middle East,” responded MP Mathieu Lefèvre (Renaissance), president of the France-Israel friendship group. Onthe president of LR Eric Ciotti said he was “indignant” at the attitude of Mr. Delogu. “The Insoumis have only one goal: to flatter a hypothetical electoral clientele a few days before the European elections. When will they condemn the Hamas barbarians??”, he commented.

Questioned by the press, Sébastien Delogu affirmed that his gesture was a “personal initiative”. The Assembly’s regulations provide for sanctions against any member “who engages in demonstrations disturbing order or who provokes a tumultuous scene.”
