Hamas: a police operation against a pro-Hezbollah association in Germany – L’Express

Hamas a police operation against a pro Hezbollah association in Germany

“Humanitarian pauses” called for by the UN Security Council

Weapons in al-Chifa hospital, says IDF

Biden “relatively optimistic” about hostage release

“Humanitarian pauses” called for by the UN Security Council

Breaking silence for the first time since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, the UN Security Council on Wednesday, November 15, called for “extensive and urgent humanitarian pauses and corridors for a sufficient number of days” to to provide aid to civilians in the Gaza Strip, raising the question of how many days would be “enough”.

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This text, which received 12 votes in favor and 3 abstentions (United States, United Kingdom, Russia), is the first resolution adopted by the Council since the end of 2016 on the Israeli-Palestinian issue which divides the UN body. Israeli bombings have killed more than 11,000 people since October 7, mostly civilians, including 4,710 children, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry. An assessment that no independent source is able to verify.

Weapons in al-Chifa hospital, says IDF

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“Israeli bulldozers destroyed parts of the southern entrance” of the al-Chifa hospital in Gaza, suspected according to her of serving as a military site for the Palestinian Islamist movement, Hamas announced in a brief statement in Arabic overnight from Wednesday to Thursday. Questioned by AFP, the Israeli army indicated that an operation was still underway at the site.

The Israeli army claims to have found “ammunition, weapons and military equipment” from Hamas in this hospital, which the terrorist movement refutes. It has published images of what it claims are weapons, grenades and other equipment found in al-Chifa. The AFP was unable to independently verify these claims.

The Israeli army “found neither weapons nor military equipment” in the al-Chifa hospital, assures the Hamas Ministry of Health, affirming “not to authorize” the presence of weapons in its establishments.

Israel: opposition leader calls for Netanyahu’s departure

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The semblance of national unity with Israel is beginning to crack. Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid called on Wednesday evening for the departure of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without waiting for the end of the military operation in Gaza. “We cannot afford to carry out a long military campaign with a prime minister in whom the population no longer has any confidence,” Lapid said in an interview with Israeli channel N12.

Israeli hostages: Biden “relatively optimistic”

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US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he was “relatively optimistic” about the upcoming release of the 240 hostages held by Hamas and assured that he had asked Israel to be “extremely careful” in the conduct of its operations in the main hospital. from Gaza. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself because I don’t know what happened in the last four hours, but we have had great cooperation from the Qataris” (key mediator in liberation negotiations hostages in the hands of Hamas), he declared during a press conference. Referring to the “pause that the Israelis accepted,” he then paused and said: “I’m going to stop. But I’m relatively optimistic.”

Germany: large police operation against a pro-Hezbollah association

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Searches targeting an Islamist association suspected of supporting the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah were carried out in seven regions of Germany, the Interior Ministry announced Thursday.

“At a time when many Jews feel particularly threatened,” “we generally do not tolerate Islamist propaganda or anti-Semitic and anti-Israel incitement,” Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said in a statement about a police operation targeting the “Islamic Center of Hamburg” and five other organizations suspected of being linked to it.

‘Israel is committing war crimes’ says former senior US official

Former senior US State Department official Josh Paul considers that Israel is committing “war crimes in Gaza” and criticized during an interview with AFP on Wednesday the lack of “criticism” of state policy. -United towards its ally. “Criticism of Israel is often considered a taboo subject in American politics, and especially in Congress,” says Josh Paul, director of public and parliamentary relations at the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs for 11 years. The announcement of his resignation last month caused a sensation, after he criticized the American policy of arms deliveries to certain countries, accusing political leaders of turning a blind eye.
