Halmstad flea market is praised – raises millions for human rights

The year was 1971 when they organized their first flea market and since then Byring and Bråte have operated in Halmstad. Lennart Andreasson has been involved since the beginning and tells us that they were the first to start a flea market in the city.

– There were no others in Halmstad at the time, he says.

And recently the flea market received Amnesty’s great commitment award for its work.

The premises will be demolished

But the future of the flea market is uncertain. The premises, in which they operate, will be demolished and the contract will expire in September next year.

– We are now trying to find other premises and it is a great commitment, says Lennart Andreasson.

Start the clip to come along to the flea market and hear how much money the flea market has raised since they started in 1971.
