Halla-aho: Finland and Sweden are uncertain about Turkey’s extradition requests

Halla aho Finland and Sweden are uncertain about Turkeys extradition requests

According to Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, Turkey has not received a new list of persons required to be extradited from Finland.

Mikko Haapanen,

Kirsi Heikel

16.1. 10:32•Updated 16.1. 16:16

Sweden and Finland must hand over 130 terrorists to Turkey in order for Turkey to accept the countries’ membership in the military alliance NATO, the president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Sunday, according to Turkish media.

– This was certainly a reaction, I think, to the events of the last few days, Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto (green) commented on the new requirements on Radio Suomen Päivä on Monday.

With the events of the last few days, Haavisto refers to the fact that a doll representing Erdoğan was hung in front of the Stockholm City Hall.

According to Haavisto, Turkey has not sent Finland a new list of persons required to be extradited.

Turkish Foreign Minister visits the United States

Foreign Minister Haavisto says he will pay attention to the Turkish foreign minister’s visit to the United States this week. According to Haavisto Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu is in the US apparently on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The visit will likely discuss possible fighter jet deals between the US and Turkey.

– I believe that this could be one part of the opening of the node, if this US deal comes true.

According to Haavisto, there is such an “atmosphere” in the United States that the expansion of NATO is a condition for deals.

– Let’s see what comes out of Washington, says Haavisto.

Halla-aho: Events as an excuse for Turkey

Also the chairman of the foreign affairs committee Jussi Halla-aho (ps.) believes that the reason behind the extradition demands is Turkey’s indignation at the puppet protest in Stockholm.

– I would consider the events in Stockholm perhaps a welcome excuse for Turkey to stop the discussion on the ratification of Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO membership, he estimated.

According to Halla-aho, both Finland and Sweden have uncertainty about which persons are referred to in extradition requests.

– According to the law, Finland and Sweden cannot extradite such persons who have connections with Kurdish organizations that Turkey considers terrorist organizations, but Finland and Sweden cannot.

– It doesn’t matter if 30 or 130 people are required to be extradited, because the same rules apply to every extradition and deportation request, he reminds.

According to Halla-aho, Turkey’s demands for Finland and Sweden are very vague and partly such that Turkey also knows that it cannot advance in the demands.

– We have to be careful about how much we give in to demands. If we meet, it may result in new demands. We are ready to discuss everything with Turkey, but we act within the framework of our own laws in every situation.

At the moment, Halla-aho does not think that the most likely explanation is that Russia is directing Turkey’s or Erdoğan’s actions.

– Of course, Russia is satisfied that NATO’s open door policy is put in a very questionable light and NATO’s credibility suffers in this process, he says.

Added to the story on 16.1. at 15:25 Jussi Halla-aho’s comments.

16.1 has been added to the end of the story. at 10:53 a comment from Haavisto. Added a picture of the doll at 11:53.

You can discuss the topic on 17.1. until 11 p.m.
