Halimata Fofana, the scar woman

Halimata Fofana the scar woman

Long torn between two worlds, under the weight of a taboo inherited from generation to generation called excision. Welcome to our intimacy In G Major. No doubt you make your life (at the wheel or in your living room) and yet I’m going to ask you to pause. To tune your violins with the voice of Halimata Fofana.

38 years old, French, burned from the inside by this injury which today affects a little girl every 4 minutes in the world. In Egypt, in Mali, in Senegal, in Mauritania, in Indonesia, in Colombia and don’t forget darling… in France too. After this trauma, some women lie down on a white sheet to rock their pain, and to write what cannot be said or heard on the side of shame and pleasure. But what can fiction do in terms of reparation? To this question, Halimata Fofana, armed with a degree in art from the Sorbonne and a Masters in literature, responds with two novels and a documentary. After Mariama the skinned alive, In G Major advise you In the shadow of the Cité Rimbaud (published by Éditions du Rocher) to be read alongside To our excised bodies (title of the documentary currently on Arte).

The musical choices of Halimata Fofana

Oumou Sangare Moussolou

Boubou Samba duna

Celine Dion Jwas waiting (live in Paris)
