Expert Dentist and Oral Dental Jaw Surgeon Dr. Birkan Taha Ozkan, Vitamin D deficiency can cause important warnings about diseases. Prof. Dr. Birkan Taha Ozkan, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, more than 50 percent of the world’s population is under the risk of vitamin D deficiency, he said.
Prof. Dr. Ozkan, “According to research in Türkiye, especially in winter, Turkish society’s vitamin D level is low. Not to be exposed to sunlight sufficiently, wrong nutrition habits and modern lifestyle because of the worldwide and 80 percent of our people have a deficiency of vitamin D. This situation, not only general health, mouth, teeth, gum and jaw bone health,” he said.
Vitamin D deficiency can experience people who can experience. Dr. Ozkan, “Closed environments, dark -skinned individuals (vitamin D production decreases due to skin pigmentation), individuals over 50 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women, vegan fed, fish, eggs, such as vitamin D resources such as” he listed.
“The body cannot destroy cancer cells because the immune system is weakened.”
Expert Dentist and Oral Dental Jaw Surgeon, who draws attention to the risk of oral cancer. Dr. Birkan Taha Ozkan, “Children with vitamin D deficiency teeth do not develop properly and more fragile. In addition, the jaw bone does not harden enough teeth may cause incorrect alignment.
When vitamin D is sufficient, the tooth enamel becomes stronger and the risk of caries is significantly reduced. In addition, saliva content also heals and helps to restore minerals that protect the teeth. The risk of oral cancer, wounds that do not heal in the mouth with the weakening of the immune system and cancer uncontrolled proliferation of cells. Vitamin D deficiency can cause uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells. Because the immune system is weakened, the body cannot effectively destroy cancer cells, “he said.
“Dental and jaw chemistry can affect your health irreversible”
To protect your teeth and bones, Lording what needs to be done. Dr. Ozkan, “Measure your level of vitamin D, especially if you are experiencing gum problems. Use sunlight, at least 3 days a week, 15-20 minutes. Vitamin D rich foods. Fish, dairy products, eggs.
“It can be returned if it is diagnosed early”
Go to regular dental examination. Advanced gum diseases can be reversed if they are diagnosed early. If necessary, take the vitamin D supplements reduced to cellular level. Before losing your teeth, take the vitamins your body needs. Vitamin D is like an invisible shield that protects oral health. Over time, lack of teeth and jaw bone can affect your health irreversible. For a healthy smile, care about your vitamin D level, “he said.