Half of the shootings lead to convictions

Half of the shootings lead to convictions

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen Shootings in criminal environments only lead to convictions in just over half of the cases that reach court, according to SVT’s Uppdrag review. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Shootings in criminal environments only lead to convictions in just over half of the cases that reach court, according to a review carried out by SVT’s Task review.

The TV program has gone through the last four years’ 900 verdicts regarding murder and attempted murder in Sweden. 100 of these concern shootings in a criminal environment, where the percentage of convictions amounts to 53 percent. For the murders and attempted murders that do not consist of shootings, the figure is instead 82 percent.

According to Johan Segerholm, inspector at the serious crime group in Uppsala, it is problematic that only a few cases lead to a conviction.

– When they commit crimes like this and get away with it, then they increase their capital of violence and have a greater opportunity to spread terror where they live, he tells Uppdrag gränskning.
