Ken Hewitt spent just over $44,000 in his failed attempt to win a fourth term as mayor of Haldimand County.
Financial statements posted on the county’s website show Shelley Bentley spent less than a quarter of that to win the mayoral seat in municipal election held last October. Her total campaign expenses were $9,889.
Expenses for the other mayoral candidates include: Tony Dalimonte ($2,485), Jennifer Gilmour ($620), Dick Passmore ($4,444), and Jake Vandendool ($20,735).
Newcomer Bentley won the race with 4,760 votes. Vandendool came a very close second with 4,594 votes. Hewitt placed third with 3,700 votes.
Hewitt’s financial statements show he spent almost $13,500 on brochures and flyers, $9,450 on signs, $7,100 on a phone campaign/GOTV campaign, $6,330 on advertising, and $2,800 on a social media campaign.
The audited statement indicates Hewitt personally contributed $784 in cash to his campaign and $9,500 in goods and services.
Hewitt listed 28 people who contributed more than $100 to his campaign, for a total of $30,350. Twenty of them contributed $1,200, the maximum allowed under the Municipal Elections Act.
Bentley’s financial statements show she spent $3,700 on flyers and brochures, $2,400 on advertising, and $1,920 on signs. Her flyer mail out costs are listed at $1,020 and she spent almost $600 for a booth at the Caledonia fair, including $257 for candy and balloons.
Bentley personally contributed $896 to her campaign and $2,703 in goods and services.
She listed seven people who contributed more than $100 to her campaign, for a total of $5,900.
The audited financial statement from the 2019 municipal election show Hewitt had total campaign expenses of just over $18,000 and contributions from supporters of $17,600.
Haldimand County councilor campaign expenses for 2022 municipal election include:
Ward 1: Stewart Patterson ($1,338). He was acclaimed.
Ward 2: Paul Beauvais ($1,188), John Metcalfe ($2,310). Metcalfe was elected.
Ward 3: Ray Kitchen ($4,497), Dan Lawrence ($8,965), Mark McEachern ($2,090), Julie Richardson ($5,842). Lawrence was elected.
Ward 4: Tony Dalimonte ($6,585), Natalie Stam ($6,237). Stam was elected but resigned her seat at the beginning of March, citing health reasons. A byelection will be held on June 19 to fill the seat. Candidates registered to date are Dalimonte and Marie Trainer.
Ward 5: James Kaspersetz ($1,733), Rob Shirton ($4,845), Sheldon Simpson ($1,800). Shirton was elected.
Ward 6: Julie Marchese ($2,305), Patrick O’Neill ($6,564), Lisa Taylor ($2,087), Ben Tucci ($2,131). Shirton was elected.
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