Haitians are resigned to the scarcity of products

Haitians are resigned to the scarcity of products

The decision of the Dominican Republic to close its borders with Haiti has caused a scarcity of certain food products on the Haitian market. A situation which does not seem to affect the inhabitants of the country. They are keen to finalize the work on the irrigation canal fed by the Massacre River, shared with the neighboring neighbor and started by compatriots a few weeks ago.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Port-au-Prince, Marie André Bélange

In Haiti, some products consumed by Haitians come from the Dominican Republic. When the border between the two countries is closed, the consequences are felt on the Haitian market, these merchants say.

We no longer find vegetables, onions, tomatoes and peppers, confides one of them. There is also lemon; there are no more because of the closure of the border for the construction of the canal. »

This also caused a rise in prices, added another. For lemon, the pot sells for 3,000 gourdes, or 21 euros, whereas before, it varied between 500 to 1,500 gourdes, or 10 euros. »

A situation which does not prevent many voices – this is particularly the case on the internet – from supporting the work on the future irrigation canal. Despite the consequences they entail.

We can’t find them, explains the first. We know why and we are not interested in having them. We give up even if we have to go months without these products. If we didn’t have them, it wouldn’t have killed us. I support the construction of the canal. We must continue the work. I even wish there was a third channel. »

I know that in three months, adds the second, We Haitians will have enough to feed ourselves with the construction of this canal. We need to get out of this food addiction, because the Dominicans don’t respect us. »

In support of the pro-canal, several local artists pledged money for the purchase of equipment. The Haitian government, for its part, takes note of the decision of its Dominican neighbor to close its borders with Haiti. He will take, he said, all legal measures to protect the interests of the Haitian people, while favoring dialogue.

Read alsoAfter closing the border with Haiti, the Dominican president raises his voice
