Haiti and Kenya establish diplomatic relations

Haiti and Kenya establish diplomatic relations

4 mins

Luis Abinader met Kenyan President William Ruto on Tuesday September 19 in New York. Kenya who offered to lead a multinational force in Haiti. This Wednesday, it was Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henri who saw him, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. And for more than an hour, the two leaders “ discussed the deployment of the “Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti” “, writing The Nouvelliste : they have ” agreed to discuss with other countries so that they could provide troops ” and have ” raised the need to lobby certain partners in order to avoid a veto in the Council “. And at the end of the meeting, the two countries established diplomatic relations, an exchange of ambassadors is planned.

Luis Abinader, for his part, delivered his speech at the UN, where he called for the immediate deployment of a multinational force in Haiti, reports El Nacional : “ Time is up », insisted the Dominican president. El Nacional specifies that ” the head of state stressed that there is not and will not be a solution to the Haitian crisis in the Dominican Republic, which is why he urged the international community to pay attention to the situation in Haiti. » « Good speech “, judge Diario Libre in his editorial: “ It is time for the United Nations to make a decision. » « Well said, President », even writes El Caribe. Listin Diario instead speaks of “ most repeated speech »: by Luis Abinader, in the country and before the UN; and by other Dominican presidents before him, who also attempted “ to draw the world’s attention to the situation in the neighboring country “.

A legal but temporary status for nearly 500,000 Venezuelan migrants

In the United States, the Biden administration is offering 470,000 Venezuelan migrants temporary legal status. This is the first time that so many migrants have been affected, and in the end it is Venezuelan migrants who benefit more than any other nationality from this status. A status, explains the Washington Post, which protects them from deportation and accelerates their possibility of receiving a work permit. Short summary Efecto Cocuyo in Venezuela, which “ gives them the opportunity to live and work legally, a long-standing demand of cities struggling to shelter asylum seekers “. In New York, more than 60,000 migrants hosted by the city are Venezuelans, writes the Washington Post.

New York Democrats, says New York Timesthus explained that “ the city’s social safety net would tear under the weight of the more than 11,000 recently arrived migrants, unless they were allowed to work and support themselves more quickly “. Obviously, the subject has become politicized, writes the Washington Post : Republicans say the move encourages migrants to cross the border illegally. And, ” As migrant numbers rise in northern cities, straining budgets and space, Democratic candidates increasingly fear the crisis will damage their image among voters », reports the New York Times.

In the United States, a new chief of staff of the armed forces narrowly appointed

In Washington, the Senate finally validates the appointment of Charles Brown, the new chief of staff of the armed forces. Finally because, says The Hill, it has been seven months since Republican Tommy Tuberville blocked 300 promotions in the army. By doing this, this senator from Alabama wants to protest against “ the new Pentagon policy which authorizes it to cover the travel expenses of soldiers who want an abortion “. Tommy Tuberville has drawn criticism in recent months from army officials, who believe that this blockage harms the preparation of the armed forces and creates instability in military families.

In fact, this blocking takes place because promotions are normally confirmed in bulk, by unanimous consent, and not one by one. And the Democrats, explains New York Times, hesitate to move on a case-by-case basis, believing that this would mean capitulating to Tommy Tuberville. But there were only a few days left before Charles Brown’s predecessor retired, and ” the prospect of a temporary administrator occupying the most prestigious position in the US military was rather embarrassing », says the Washington Post. As a result, this Wednesday, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate Chuck Schumer finally validated the nomination of Charles Brown, and launched the process for two other soldiers: “ These three men of honor will finally be able to take up their duties. And the abortion policy that Senator Tuberville loathes will remain in place. Senator Tuberville will have achieved nothing. »

Drought in Venezuela?

Venezuela could experience a major drought in the coming months, after the hurricane season at the end of October, according to Erik Quiroga, an indigenous ecologist from the state of Tachira – this can be read in El Nacional. Several reasons for this: the extreme warming of the Atlantic Ocean – the most significant in 2,000 years, according to the specialist; the very significant melting of the Arctic and El Nino. In short, explains Erik Quiroga, all this stems from global warming.
