Hair: The method to wash it well (and prevent it from getting greasy too quickly)

Hair The method to wash it well and prevent it

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    Reading 1 min.

    in collaboration with

    Isabelle Gallay (dermatologist)

    Medical validation:
    October 21, 2023

    Oily hair, in other words getting oily too quickly, is a common hair problem. Fortunately, an easy-to-implement trick keeps them clean for longer. Discover this infallible technique according to Dr Isabelle Gallay, dermatologist.

    Oily hair is a common problem. How to remedy this excess sebum? The answers of Dr Isabelle Gallay, dermatologist.

    Wash your hair correctly… using a suitable shampoo

    Although this advice may seem banal, even trivial, it nevertheless makes a difference, according to Isabelle Gallay, dermatologist.

    Washing your hair irritates the sebaceous glands: the more you rub, the more they will react… It’s a real vicious circle“, warns Dr. Gallay. Also, “When you have hair that becomes greasy quickly, certain specific shampoos, such as those based on soft clay, should be preferred. You must then gradually space out the shampoos, ideally reaching 2 per week..”

    The dermatologist specifies, however, that certain hair scalps have significant, even resistant, seborrheic areas. You will therefore have to be patient to “disaccustom” them to regular shampoos.

    Another important tip: when washing, gently massage your scalp without rubbing and let the shampoo act for a few minutes. You will then need to rinse your scalp and lengths thoroughly to remove all traces of residue.

    Shampoo: which one to choose for my hair?

    Slide: Shampoo: which one to choose for my hair?
