Hair loss and cancer: how to promote regrowth?

Hair loss and cancer how to promote regrowth

Some breast cancer treatments cause temporary hair loss that can be difficult to live with. How to limit hair loss and promote regrowth? Wig, turban, what solutions during chemotherapy?

A woman with breast cancer who follows the various treatments may suffer from partial or total alopecia (hair loss). “5% of women have hair loss that is really disabling aesthetically“says Professor Mahasti Saghatchian, oncologist. Iit is possible to prevent and alleviate these symptoms following the advice of health professionals. In October 2020, the Wellness Lab opened its doors at the American Hospital in Paris and offers care for patients with breast cancer. Anaïs Barbotin, coordinating nurse and Muriel Limosin, socio-esthetician, share their solutions for prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth.

What solutions against hair loss during cancer treatment?

Throughout chemotherapy, patients have the possibility of accessing a chilled helmet that prevents or delays hair loss. We perform sessions under the helmet during chemotherapy and one hour after. It has the effect of reducing the blood flow in the scalp and therefore the amount of product that affects the cells of the hair. “I suggest to my patients to shorten their hair, to change from shampoo in favor of gentle formulas. We stop coloring and perms and anything that can be aggressive (heating devices)explains Muriel Limosin. The scalp massage are a very good way to reactivate blood and lymphatic circulation. For the lengths, we bet on moisturizing masks. For patients who have lost all hair, we nourish the scalp with moisturizing products, in particular by making oil baths and massaging to promote regrowth” recommends the socio-esthetician.

Where to find a wig in case of hair loss?

Breast cancer patients may benefit from appointments with specialists in hair prostheses (wigs) directly within the Wellness Lab of the American Hospital of Paris. Socio-estheticians teach patients to dress their faces with make-up during workshops. Hairdressers pass on tips for dressing the head with scarves or headbands. For those who are far from this structure:

► The National Cancer Institute (INCa) offers on its website a interactive map hair prosthesis retailers covered by health insurance. All you have to do is fill in your region and department.

► the marketplace Counter of Life markets many products to support women in their treatment against breast cancer, including a wide choice of hair prostheses.

► The platform Solidarity Wigs, an initiative created by the Institut du Sein, is a space on which women cured of breast cancer donate their wigs to patients with the disease. Solidarity Wigs was founded on the need to give. Cured women do not want to keep their wigs or throw them away. And they develop an urge to help the women after them. So they came to see me to give me their wig. So we decided to create this platform” says Dr. Isabelle Sarfati, surgeon at the Breast Institute. The wigs are totally free, we are in a logic of donation between individuals. Apart from the material gift, there is a symbolic dimension, the affected patient receives the strength to go through the ordeal thanks to another woman, cured. This symbolic dimension is very important in oncology” adds Dr. Sarfati.

What hair accessory in case of hair loss?

The brand The Franjynes offers partial hair prostheses: these are fringes of several different colors (golden blond, platinum blond, brown, chestnut, dark chestnut, auburn, red and white, pepper and salt, blond highlights, chestnut highlights) and 3 different shapes from straight to curly with a patented system guaranteeing good support on heads without hair. Each fringe is accompanied by a textile accessory (turban, headband). On the website, there is a series of videos of tutorial for know how to tie your accessory in your hair. There is also a range for children. The brand Entrenoue also offers hair turbans for women with cancer.

Photo of a woman with a scarf in her hair © fizkes-123RF

What is the health insurance coverage?

Women whose hair has fallen out as a result of illness or treatment such as chemotherapy benefit from supported by the Social Security their wig or other accessories (scarf, headband etc). First we must get a medical prescription for hair prosthesis or accessories, renewable every 12 months, by a doctor or dermatologist. It exists two classes of wigs, the difference being made according to the composition of the wig and according to the zone of hair which was implanted manually and not by machine. Support varies by class:

class 1: the wig, or total hair prosthesis, is made of synthetic hairof which at least 15 cm2 are implanted exclusively by hand at the level of the top of the skull, the parting or the edge of the forehead; its price cannot exceed 350 € and in this case, the sum is fully covered by Health Insurance; coverage also includes the reimbursement of a textile accessory, up to a limit of €350 in total;
class 2: the wig is made of at least 30% natural hair, or synthetic hair of which at least 30 cm2 are implanted exclusively by hand. The maximum sale price to open the right to a support is fixed at 700 €, of which €250 reimbursed by Health Insurance; coverage also includes the reimbursement of a textile accessory. The health insurance fund can cover an additional part, depending on your contract.
If you don’t want to wear a full wig, partial hair prostheses (maximum sale price €125, support up to €125) exist. L’Assurance Maladie pays for 3 hair accessories up to €20, with a total selling price that cannot exceed €40.

Thanks to Anaïs Barbotin, coordinating nurse, to Muriel Limosin, socio-esthetician, from the oncology department specializing in breast cancer at theAmerican Hospital of Paris and to Dr Isabelle Sarfati, surgeon at the Breast Institute.

Source: Support for wigs and hair accessories, Ameli, September 22, 2021
