Hagfish spider moths invade Majen’s bench

In several places in the country, you can see a gray, ghost-like web that has taken over the trees.
If you get close to the web, you will see crawling caterpillars preparing to become butterflies.
One person who has had his hedge and bench covered in hedge spider moths is Majne Ödling outside Umeå.

– It was crawling with larvae on the bench, it was a bit disgusting, says Majne Ödling

According to Michael Norén, on-call biologist at the Norwegian National Museum of Natural History, large quantities of haggis spider moth occur approximately every ten years. Although it looks scary, invasions of weevil spider moths are not dangerous to the trees.

– The trees are built for attacks like this and recover, says Michael Norén.

When the hedge spider moths have run out of leaves on the trees, they move on and can spin into other objects such as bicycles, benches and other plants. In the event of an attack, it is necessary to wait until the weevil has disappeared by itself.

– I let them roam freely for a while and when they are gone we can flush clean, says Majne Ödling.
