Hadja Lahbib: “If we let go of Ukraine, our security and our democracies are in danger”

Hadja Lahbib If we let go of Ukraine our security

We welcome Hadja Lahbib, the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, in charge of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU. Former RTBF journalist, member of the liberal centrist Reform Movement party, she remains optimistic for the summit on February 1, 2024: the EU aid package of 50 billion euros for Ukraine will not be indefinitely blocked by Viktor Orban: “ The vast majority of us are convinced that we cannot let go of Ukraine today. Because if we let go, our security, our democracies, our system of values ​​and international law are in danger. […]

We want to believe that Hungary will be with us in the near future and that the Council of February 1 will be fruitful and that it will rally around this immense majority since it is isolated.” She refuses the blackmail of the ultranationalist Viktor Orban, who is still waiting for the 20 billion euros from the recovery plan still withheld to sanction Budapest’s deviations from the rule of law: “ we cannot trifle with the rule of law! And as long as Hungary does not make the necessary efforts, the funds will not be released “.

The issue of Ukrainian cereals is for her the consequence of the blockages “imposed by Putin’s Russia […]. We must overcome our differences and find ways so that these cereals do not invade the European Union.” It reminds us of the importance of transporting them to Africa!

Around twenty NGOs denounce the Migration Pact as a poorly designed, costly and cruel system. Hadja Lahbib denies this: the aim of this Pact is to continue “to accept, to welcome into our territories people who are fleeing mistreatment, who are fleeing inequalities and have the right to find asylum with us” while allowing “a rapid return of those who are not entitled to this asylum”, through, among other things, “better collaboration with the countries from which these migrants originate”.

Another major priority of the Belgian presidency of the EU, the implementation of the Green Deal by April 2024. After the blockages of the right and far-right parties on certain texts, she affirms: “ everyone is aware that there is an emergency, that a transition must be put in place. […] but we must also not make a transition that leaves part of the population behind. »

Several senior European officials have decided to leave their posts to embark on the European election campaign. This does not scare Hadja Lahbib: “ that they go and confront their voters, that they remember their good memories, that they finally come and say what they did, it is good for the health of democracy “. And to conclude: “ And do not give in to simplistic solutions provided by extreme parties who, when they come to power, are ultimately confronted with reality and are incapable of implementing their promises. ! »
