Hackers Turn Off Heating System in Lviv, Ukraine with Attack

Hackers Turn Off Heating System in Lviv Ukraine with Attack

Hackers alleged to have links to Russia Ukraine Lviv heating system hacked with malware closed.

Citizens of Ukraine, which is under Russian occupation, have been attacked from many areas in the past period. For example, Dragos-based security researchers published a report that some Ukrainians in the city of Lviv were subject to cyberattacks on a municipal energy company. revealed that she had to live without central heating for two days in mid-January. Lviv residents in 600 different apartments, who are trying to survive in the freezing cold without adequate heating on top of the fear of death and attack, have faced a truly “despicable” situation. For this incredible cyber attack, “FrostyGoopIt is said that a malware called ” is used. An interesting security development had previously attracted attention in cybersecurity. The US-based telecommunications company, which made a statement last week, AT&Tusing its cellular network after a cyber attack announced that it had stolen the call logs and messages of almost all of its customers.


The company then hired a hacker to delete the stolen customer data. (He gave 370 thousand dollars)$1 million was requested in the first stage) appeared. This payment is made in cryptocurrency “bitcoin” The company that does this through, He asked the hacker to send a video of the data being deleted as proof of the deal. Companies generally do not make such payments to hackers because it is not possible to be 100 percent sure that the data has been deleted.
