Hackers’ new target Samsung

Hackers new target Samsung

The new target of hackers was Samsung. Lapsus$, which came to the fore with the attack on Nvidia, this time leaked to Samsung servers.

The new target of hackers was Samsung servers. The hacker group Lapsus$, which disclosed the passwords of Nvidia employees last week, allegedly distributed 190 GB of confidential information to the hacker community, this time in the data pool of the Korean giant technology company Samsung. who made the allegation Bleeping ComputerAccording to , the leaked information includes source codes of proprietary apps and information stolen from repositories of various Samsung projects.

Hackers’ new target is Samsung

It is not known exactly when the Lapsus$ group managed to hack Samsung and what their demands were. Contrary to the requests made by the hacker group to Nvidia – removing the cryptocurrency mining limit for RTX graphics cards and sharing the open source codes of the cards – they have not issued an open request at this stage.

It is stated that Samsung officials avoided giving details on the issue and did not give any information other than saying that the problem was being investigated. These two giant hacking attacks against Nvidia and Samsung may also be a signal for us to strengthen our personal security as users.

Because, after the Nvidia hack, it is stated that some code signing certificates that have expired but are still accepted by Windows have been exposed and may leave the door open to Malware. Likewise, it is stated that the attack on Samsung can target important applications on Samsung phones.
