In today’s tough housing market, Adam Ferren feels fortunate to receive the latest affordable home from Habitat for Humanity of Chatham-Kent.

In today’s tough housing market, Adam Ferren feels fortunate to receive the latest affordable home from Habitat for Humanity of Chatham-Kent.
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The 43-year-old single father of two was beaming as his children, Adalynn, 6, and Maize, 4, raced around their new three-bedroom home on Chatham’s Houston Street during a Habitat open house Wednesday.
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“I’m thinking this is basically my one shot,” he said of acquiring the affordable home with an interest-free mortgage.
“Like Wayne Gretzky said, ‘You miss 100 per cent of the shots you don’t take,’ ” he added. “I took my shot here (because) I wanted a better life for my kids and myself and it worked out great.”
There were “a few tears” when Habitat called to let him know the house was his, Ferren admitted.
Receiving a Habitat home “is a game-changer for families,” said Anne Taylor, Habitat’s office and volunteer manager. “It’s why we come to work and do what we do.”
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It’s rewarding to see the kids run through the home and see their new bedroom, she added.
While Habitat has built several homes in the community over the years, this one is particularly exciting, Taylor said. “This is our first multi-unit build.”
The side-split home with two living units is on a lot that once had just one home. The former owner moved and wanted the property donated to Habitat so another family could live there, she added.
“The really cool thing. . . is we were able to take the land and . . . double-down on his wish,” Taylor said.
From a cost-effectiveness perspective, it just makes sense to put two dwellings on one lot so more people can have an affordable home, she said.
“I don’t think we’ll ever build single-family homes again,” Taylor said. “Moving forward, any lot that we have we’re always going to try to make sure we have two homes on it, at least.”
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Habitat’s next build is planned in Thamesville, we donated where the existing home will be torn down and two homes built in its place, she said.
Lucas Aarts, of Agri-Urban Buildings Inc. (AUBI), was general contractor for the latest Habitat build.
Knowing what the home means to the Ferren family “feels good, it feels awesome,” he said, adding he didn’t feel the full impact until the open house.
“At the end of the day, we’re in this business to build things, and build things that last,” Aarts said.
AUBI has built a Habitat home before, he said, “It’s good to be part of a community that can contribute like that.”
The two units “turned out amazing,” Taylor said.
A family has been selected for the other unit, she said, who could move in by the end of May or early June.
Ferren, who’s moving from an apartment, said the new neighborhood, with plenty of amenities nearby, is “a much better place for my kids to grow up in.
They’ve already met some of the neighbors and there are a lot of kids living in the area, he said.
Ferren is looking forward to doing the things many homeowners take for granted.
“The most exciting thing for me is being able to do laundry at home,” he laughed.
“I’m also really looking forward to cutting grass again.”
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