Haaretz: Israel recruits African asylum seekers for Gaza war | News in brief

So far, none of the asylum seekers involved in the operations in Gaza have been granted permanent residency.

Israel’s security authorities are offering asylum seekers who arrived in the country from Africa help in obtaining permanent residence permits if they take part in hostilities in Gaza. Tells about it Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

The newspaper has received its information from security officials who remain anonymous. According to them, the activity is organized.

There are currently 30,000 African asylum seekers in Israel. Of them, 3,500 are Sudanese who live in the country on a temporary permit because the asylum process has been suspended.

There is a willingness among asylum seekers to join the Israeli armed forces, as it is seen as a way to obtain a permanent residence permit.

However, according to Haaretz’s information, no asylum seeker has received a permanent permit through this process.

The Israeli security authorities commented to the newspaper that according to them all actions are legal.
