GW on Tove confession: ‘Could be close to the truth’

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Tove is suspected of having been murdered by the two young women, a 20-year-old and an 18-year-old, who were re-arrested yesterday. In connection with that, new information was published. They point in the direction of the older woman in her 20s who has now made some concessions. The prosecutor has now announced that Tove died in the woman’s apartment and she has also admitted that she moved the body. However, both women continue to deny murder.

– She admits that she moved the body and committed a crime against grave peace, as it is called, but that this was not preceded by a murder, but that they started arguing and during this argument, Tove happens to die, says Leif GW Persson.

Now it remains for the prosecutor to show that there was intent if they want to continue pursuing a murder charge. But it can be difficult to prove.

– What will cause the prosecutor problems is the intent. Unless there is something strongly against this that would save a murder charge. And her explanation may well be close to the truth, at least based on her own experience, Persson believes.

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