GW on the announcement that Iran’s moral police is being shut down: It will take time

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Iran is disbanding the morality police, according to state news agency Irna. The information comes from Minister of Justice Mohammad Jafar Montazeri according to the Iranian news agency Isna.

Leif GW Persson comments on the data in Nyhetsmorgon.

– It is an expression of having, in a certain sense, been impressed by the opposition. A development in a positive direction, he says.

The infamous morality police’s heavy-handed methods of enforcing the veil for women has been one of the driving forces behind the massive protests in the country.

GW believes that the new announcement is a step in the right direction, but he believes at the same time that it will likely take a long time before such an announcement is translated into practice.

– The decision must be made by their parliament, and we are not there yet, he says, and adds:

– Iran is not like the West. We probably shouldn’t think that this change will happen immediately, he says.

You can see the entire interview with GW from Sunday’s program here
