GVVV wants to score more goals with ‘consciously’ selected acquisitions

GVVV wants to score more goals with consciously selected acquisitions


New: Elber Evora (without club), Elgero King (without club), Giovanni de la Vega (CD Llosetense), Joep van den Berk (FC Eindhoven), Joeri Vendel (Hoogland), Sergio Tremour (Kozakken Boys), Venitchio Sint (De Dijk)

Away: Byron Burgering (FC Den Bosch), Dirk Homoet (Hercules), Dylan Chiazor (Hercules), Jan van Willige (DVS’33), Leroy George (Real Sranang), Pim ten Have (Hercules), Taoufik Adnane (retired)
