Guy earns almost €40,000 in one fell swoop using ChatGPT text AI

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Modern AI systems are currently experiencing a media hype – first it was image AIs that conquered the Internet with their works of art, now it’s chat AIs that can compile huge amounts of Google data into meaningful texts – and some users bring in a lot of money at the moment.

In a French YouTube video from the channel “Underscore_”, the moderators of a show talked to a so-called “ethical hacker” about the uses of ChatGPT and how to make money.

Ethical hackers work in much the same way as normal hackers, but instead of exploiting discovered security holes to gain illegal access, they pass on their discoveries to the operators of websites or databases. They can then increase their security and close the gaps.

You can even make money with it. Large IT companies such as Google, Facebook or Microsoft offer bonuses for such security gaps. And this is exactly where you can still earn good money with ChatGPT.

If you would like more basic information about ChatGPT beforehand, you will find the right article here:

What is ChatGPT? Everything you need to know about OpenAI’s AI

The video reports on the ethical hacker Youssef Samouda, who received $42,000 from Facebook for a submitted vulnerability (around €38,500).

Accordingly, Samouda had developed a link that could be used to hack a Facebook account if a user clicked on it. He discovered the vulnerability using ChatGPT. In the video, the moderators talk to Roni, also an ethical hacker. He explains how this works.

So ChatGPT can also understand programming languages. This is very helpful when working with a foreign programming language, because ChatGPT can explain the parts of the code.

Roni wanted to have the code of a database system based on SQL explained to him and was surprised at what the chat AI immediately delivered to him. Not only was the code explained to him, but also how he could access it from the outside and search the database – a major security gap.

ChatGPT immediately delivered a complete error report.

We asked the AI ​​ourselves how to make money with the application. Here the result:

Mike: How to make money with ChatGPT?

ChatGPT: There are several ways to make money with ChatGPT:

  • By offering it as a chatbot service for businesses that need automated customer support.
  • By selling it as a tool for automatic content creation, e.g. for blogs or social media.
  • By using it as a developer or data scientist to create and sell your own applications or products.
  • It is important to note that ChatGPT is a proprietary model of OpenAI and there may be licenses and/or terms of use that must be observed.

    Mike: Which of the 3 options mentioned has the greatest sales potential?

    ChatGPT: That depends on various factors, such as the industry, the company and the area of ​​application. However, it can be said that the first opportunity to offer ChatGPT as a chatbot service for businesses has the greatest potential for revenue, as many businesses are looking for ways to provide automated customer support. This can lead to higher demand for chatbot services and thus offer greater revenue potential.

    The second option of automatic content creation can also show promise, especially in industries like marketing, PR, and content creation, which often put a lot of time and resources into content creation.

    The third way to use ChatGPT as a developer or data scientist to create and sell your own applications or products can also be promising, especially if you can develop innovative applications and products that are in demand in the market.

    Mike: Thanks!

    ChatGPT: No problem, I’m glad I could help! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Source: ChatGPT

    You can watch the French video with Roni’s interview here. An AI can ensure that you can understand the video even if you don’t know French – via the automatic translation of the subtitle:

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    AIs will take on more and more tasks in the future and chat AIs in particular, which convert search engine information into meaningful texts, already have the potential to take on many tasks in everyday life.

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