Guild Wars 2 is coming to Steam, for real

Guild Wars 2 is coming to Steam for real

Guild Wars 2 is coming to Steam. ArenaNet, which stopped bringing the game to Staem in 2020, will publish the game with an all-inclusive package.

Guild Wars 2 is coming to Steam, this time for real. ArenaNet, which first announced that it would add Guild Wars 2 to Steam in 2020, announced that the game would be added to the platform in November 2020. The company, which later postponed this decision, announced the official date at the end. The game will be added to Steam next week, on August 23.

Guild Wars 2 is coming to Steam, the main game will be free.

The main game of Guild Wars 2 will be free and will not even require a monthly payment. The “Complete Collection bundle”, which ArenaNet will also add to the platform, will be sold for $ 100, and the price of the game in Turkish lira has not yet been specified on the Steam page. This bundle unlocks everything unlike previous Guild Wars 2 expansion pack bundles. This will also include 5 seasons of Living World packs that connect the stories of all add-on packs.

ArenaNet has spent the last period preparing the game for Steam release. These preparations include performance tests and changes to improve the new player experience. There will also be a significant change in the mount system of the game. Normally, players could get their first mounts when they start either Path of Fire or End of Dragons expansion packs. However, after the game comes to Steam, players will receive their first mounts during the leveling phase.

In addition, a balancing patch will arrive on August 23, when the game will be released on Steam.
