Guide: This is how the Sami national day is celebrated in the country

This is how the Sami national day is celebrated in Sweden


15:00-18:00: Gala dinner in the White House.

18:00-20:00: Disco for children and young people in the Eurosuando house.


09.00: Flag ceremony at Stockholm City Hall.

10.00-15.00: Open at Skansen with celebration.

17.30: Sami AW at the Culture House of the Sami Association.

20.00: Jon-Henrik Fjällgren at Kulturhuset.


12.00: Celebration in the town hall.

19.00: Concert in Kiruna church.


12:00: The stairs at Dunker’s cultural center, the flag is raised and the national anthem is heard.


17:30: Cinema Panora, mingle and the film Jeʹvida is shown.


10.00-10.30: Solbacken’s dining room.

12.00-12.45: The municipal library, Medborgarhuset.

14.30-15.00: Ringelsta common room.

17.30-19.30: Celebration at the Källaren youth farm.

18.00-20.00: Samegården Arvas.

19.00-20.00: Live broadcast on the big screen on Arvas of SVT Sápmi’s national day concert from Kiruna church.


10.00: Celebration outside the town hall with speeches and music.


18.30: The film “Ellos Eatnu – Let the river live” is shown at Bio Roxy.


14.00-1600: Umeå University has a celebration on campus with dancing and a lecture.


12.00: Arkenbiblioteket with national anthem and speech.


09.00-15.00: Celebration all day at the library.

Lucky harness

09.30: Celebration at the old people’s home Skytten.

12.00: Nationaljojk flag raising and more at Gammplatsen by Ruselegården.

14.30: Lucky harness library.


13:00-16:00 Stiftelsen Gaaltije and Staaren siebrie invite you to an open house and offer cake.

16.30-19.00: The Sami association serves meat soup.


19.00: The Sami association offers food in the association room to celebrate.


Even on the Norwegian side there are celebrations all day, here, NRK Sápmi has compiled a guide.

Missing your celebration here?

Contact SVT Sápmi at [email protected] and we will add it during the day.
