Guardians of the Galaxy 3 trailer released

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 trailer released

The trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy 3, which will be released in May next year, has finally arrived. The trailer is full of action scenes.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 trailer has finally been released. The team, who recently appeared on the Disney + service with the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Spacial, awaits a much more challenging adventure this time. When we look at the trailer of the movie, we see the villain of the movie, apart from the curious characters like Adam Warlock.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 trailer is action-packed

In this production, where we will see the team for the first time in their solo films after Avengers: Endgame, many surprise scenes will also be included. In addition to the important characters for the Marvel universe, details about the history of the Rocket Racoon character will also be presented to the audience, as previously announced and we saw hints in the trailer.

We can also see the Adam Warlock character clearly in the trailer. In addition, the villain of the movie, High Evolutionary, also took an important place in the trailer. High Evolutionary (Herbert Edgar Wyndham), who first appeared in The Mighty Thor comic book published in 1966, appeared in the series as a scientist trying to accelerate the evolution of humanity artificially. It remains to be seen what role he will play in the movie.

The poster of the movie, which will be released on May 5, is as follows;
