Guardian: Mossad tried to obstruct war crimes investigation

Guardian Mossad tried to obstruct war crimes investigation

Updated 16.00 | Published 15.35



Espionage, hacking and threats.

For nine years, Israel has waged a secret war against the ICC, reports The Guardian.

The goal: To prevent a war crimes investigation against Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has tried to obstruct the International Criminal Court’s ICC investigation into suspected war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reveals The Guardian.

Israel is said to have deployed its intelligence service to monitor, hack, pressure, smear and even “threaten” senior figures working within the ICC.

According to the newspaper, Benjamin Netanyahu has been very interested in the secret operations. An intelligence source describes him as “obsessed” with the wiretapping.

Israel is also said to have eavesdropped on Palestinian human rights workers with the help of the spy program Pegasus, writes The Guardian.

Israel is now fighting back against the accusations.

– The questions sent to us are filled with so many false and unfounded accusations that are intended to harm the State of Israel, says a spokesperson.

The text is updated.


fullscreen Benjamin Netanyahu. Photo: Gil Cohen-Magen / AP
