Guardian: Hungarian PM’s allies lobby US Republicans to end aid to Ukraine | Foreign countries

Guardian Hungarian PMs allies lobby US Republicans to end aid

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is confident that the Ukrainian aid package will not pass in Congress, says a diplomatic source.

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán allies are scheduled to meet with Republicans in Washington and persuade them to end US aid to Ukraine. To write about it Guardian.

Members of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs and staff from the Hungarian Embassy in Washington plan to lobby for an end to aid to Ukraine at a two-day event on Monday. The closed event is organized by the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank.

According to the Guardian, Republican members of the US Congress have been asked to meet on the second day of the event.

– Orbán is confident that the aid package for Ukraine will not pass in Congress. Because of this, he is also trying to block EU aid [Ukrainalle]says a diplomatic source to the newspaper.

In the United States, Republican senators have blocked an emergency aid package for Ukraine and Israel requested by the White House. In addition, the package was also intended to support Taiwan a little.

Last week, Republicans stalled a $61 billion emergency aid package for Ukraine. Republicans have wanted to connect the package to US border security.

Since the beginning of Russia’s war of aggression, Orbán has repeatedly opposed the EU’s support for Uktraina and opposed sanctions against Russia. Orbán has close relations with Russia and the prime minister has refused to help Ukraine militarily.
