A few days ago, a new game called “HeliCity Demolition Man” was released for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. The price: 2 euros. The content: A blatant copy of one of the worst missions in GTA history.
What’s behind “HeliCity Demolition Man”? The game from publisher Erik Games was released for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch in the last few days. For 1.99 euros, HeliCity offers the “thrill of precision and strategy” – or at least that’s the promise of the developers.
However, a closer look reveals that this is a quasi-remake of one of the worst missions from GTA: Vice City. In other words, you have to destroy buildings with an RC helicopter – which is a hell of a trip due to the clunky controls. At least the devs promise a relatively quick platinum trophy.
The problem is that publisher Erik Games obviously does not own the rights to develop or sell such a blatant copy of a GTA mission. The company behind the Grand Theft Auto franchise reacted quickly.
Since the trailer for “HeliCity Demolition Man” is no longer available, here’s something for the eye:
Rockstar Games shows GTA 6 for the first time in a trailer
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Take-Two reacts quickly, but …
How does the publisher behind GTA react? Anyone who wants to watch the trailer for “HeliCity Demolition Man” on YouTube has recently received the message: “This video is no longer available due to a copyright infringement complaint from Take-Two Interactive.” Take-Two’s lawyers have therefore taken action against the game very quickly.
The two PlayStation product pages for “HeliCity Demolition Man” are now offline or lead to an error (via story.playstation.com). However, “HeliCity Demolition Man” is still available in the Nintendo eShop for the Nintendo Switch (via nintendo.com). It continues to say: “Get ready for an explosive experience where every decision counts!”
It is unclear whether Sony simply reacted to the lawyers’ complaint more quickly than Nintendo or whether the publisher has simply overlooked the Nintendo Switch version. May showed that the billion-dollar company behind GTA likes to take tough action: Publisher of GTA 6 closes studios behind OlliOlli, Rollerdrome and Kerbal Space Program