GTA producer’s new game MindsEye trailer released

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The MindsEye trailer for Build A Rocket Boy by Leslie Benzies, the former president of Rockstar North and producer of eight GTA games, has been released.

Leslie Benzies, one of the former Rockstar presidents and one of the names that made the GTA series GTA, left Rockstar North a while ago and founded his own company, Build A Rocket Boy. In this process, we started a project called EveryWhere and we saw the trailer of this game last year. While we await more information about this production, the trailer for MindsEye, another linked game, has been released. We can officially say that he shows the right and hits the left.

Build A Rocket Boy’s MindsEye trailer released

What sets this game apart from other classic AAA titles will be its system. Because the production team is after a very different process according to the information received. You can think of the previously announced Everywhere as a pretty big platform. We can make an analogy similar to Roblox and GTA Online.

According to the information received, the game has a structure in which there are different games. More precisely, some productions such as MindsEye, which were made in Everywhere and will be released later, will be directly connected to EveryWhere. For this reason, the production is developed with the necessary tools so that everyone can make their own game. MindsEye is one of these developed productions. In fact, we might consider it somewhat like a demo of Everywhere.

We’ve said that the highlight of Everywhere is its comprehensive suite of tools that allow anyone to make their own game or experience. Although we do not have any information about these yet, the 26-second video you watched above provides a good example of what can be done with these tools.

All in all, Leslie Benzies is a very important actor for the gaming world and it’s very pleasing that she’s trying so many different things in her new project. When we look at the trailer of the game, we can clearly see that it will be an open world like GTA. We’re already getting excited, what do you think?
