Group Hog Benchmarking Perspective To Performance Figures

Group Hog Benchmarking Perspective To Performance Figures

“When you do the data and you do it well, you can see the improvation,” Says One Participant

Folks in the Pig Business Can Learn from their Neighbours who are also part of the Industry. That’s the Reason Graham Learn is part of a benchmarking group.

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He spoke about His Experience at the Southwestern Ontario Pork Conference in Ridgetown on February 19.

Performance Indicators are collected and shared with Other Members of the Group and – Most Important to His Family’s Operation – Everyone who Works on the Farm.

Learn, who graduated from the Ridgetown Campus of the University of Guelph in 2006, Operates An 850-Sow Farrow-to-Finish System Along with an on-Farm Feed Mill and Crop Enterprise Near Norwich with his Wife Allison, Brother Adam, and six employers.

“We let our employed Know What is Going Well and What Things Need Working on,” Learn Said. “When you do the data and you do it well, you can see the improvation.”

The Performance Indicators Collection Included Such Factors As Average Live Born, Pigs Weaned per Mated Female Per Year (A Key Consideration), The Sow Death Rate, The Average Weaning Age, Farrowing Rate, Pigs Weaned Per Female Lifetime, and Feed Conversion. There is a police of strict confidentiality.

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“We do not put names to this stuff… We do get information that is real time in Ontario; it’s not generated in the west or in the United States,” He Said. “At a time like this in the Swine Industry It’s A Good Idea to Trust and Share Information.

Graham Learn: “We let our employed know what is goong well and what THINGS NEED working on”

Learn, Judging from the Statistics He Shared From His Farm, Has Strong Production Numbers – Yet Still has room for improvation. He has been able to recognize the impact of various health from, such as prrs, and evaluate other aspects of his operation that may need Adjustment.

While Production Styles Vary Among Members of the Group, it is important that everyone use the same Measures for Data Collection, Collect Data Over Multiple Years, and be consist in their effort. “That is a big considering, comparing apples to apples,” Learn Said.

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The Group Meets Twice A Year and Works With South West Vets Who Facilitate Their effort – An Importer Consideration. PIGKNOWS SOFTware is used for sow data. Employees input Information Into the Program on A Daily Basis, Along with Agexpert Accounting to Collect and Compare Income and Expense Information.

Every Group Member Gets A Binder With The Results. This included their own farm’s rating for the various measures Along with the group High, the group low, and the group Average.

The Ideal Group size for the process is about Eight to 10 Members, Learn Said.

HAVING THE DATA ON HAND IS JUST THE FIRST STEP. Acting upon that data to make informed farm changes delivers the benefits.

