Grön Ungdom chose a new mouthpiece

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Published: Just now

Leon Mc Manus, 22, is the new spokesperson for Grön Ungdom, the Green Party’s youth association. His partner will be Rebecka Forsberg, who was re-elected at the association’s National Meeting on Friday evening.

Leon Mc Manus studies global studies at the University of Gothenburg and sees himself as clearly left-wing. In an interview with the Altinget, he says that he wants to protect the left-wing shift that Grön Ungdom has made in recent years.

– I think it was absolutely right that we made a left turn. Partly because I think it is the right policy to combat class differences and strengthen welfare, but also because our voters and our potential voters want to see that policy, he told the Altinget.
