Grocery stores have problems with card payments

Grocery stores have problems with card payments

Ellen Ahinko Andersson/TT

Updated 13.10 | Published 12.56




full screen Several Willys stores have problems with their contactless card payments. Archive image. Photo: Erik Abel/TT

Several stores have problems with their card terminals, reports Nya Wermlands-Tidningen.

The food chain Willys confirms to the newspaper that disruptions will affect stores throughout the country.

But it is still possible to pay for your goods. It is only the so-called contactless payment that does not work as it should, according to Magnus Törnblom who is press manager at the owner Axfood.

– It is not possible to blimp, he says and explains that it is, however, possible to insert the card and pay via the chip.

There is nothing to indicate that there is any external influence, but the disturbances are treated as a temporary technical error.

– We are working to solve this problem as soon as we can, concludes Magnus Törnblom.
