Grips are getting tougher in Sweden’s election battle – the Democrats think that the Sweden Democrats’ Putin sympathies are a threat to the NATO project and Sweden’s security

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The Swedish elections will be held in a week on Sunday. The election battle escalated when the current prime minister’s party, the Social Democrats, accused the Sweden Democrats of being unreliable in terms of foreign policy.

12:42•Updated 14:03

STOCKHOLM Sweden’s social democrats had clearly just been waiting for the right moment to attack the Sweden Democrats with harsh accusations, whose support over the past week has already risen past the traditionally largest right-wing party, the moderate coalition. Then it came at this morning’s press conference.

Chairman of the Sweden Democrats by Jimmie Åkesson according to the party wants a lot of say, if the right-wing wins the elections and the coalition leader About Ulf Kristoffersson will be the next prime minister.

The Social Democrats want to continue in power even after eight years of government. That’s why the blow to the challenger camp was hard in the morning.

Coffee buns speak volumes

Current Minister of Defense Peter Hultqvist and the Minister of Integration and Immigration Anders Ygeman found it completely incomprehensible that a Swedish Democratic parliamentary official had yesterday invited people to a cup of coffee to celebrate Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland in World War II.

In the opinion of the Demari ministers, this was a clear indication that there are still pro-Nazis in the ranks of the Sweden Democrats and that Nazi sympathies are not only a part of the party’s history.

In addition, Hultqvist and Ygeman reminded that a week before the Russian attack on Ukraine, Åkesson did not agree to say which head of state he prefers, the Russian president Vladimir Putin or the President of the United States Joe Biden.

The ministers considered the voting behavior of the Sweden Democrats in the European Parliament to be pro-Russian and reminded that in 2018, an employee of the party with a Russian background was prevented from entering the Diet because he was considered a security threat.

The Social Democrats’ conclusion from all this is that the Sweden Democrats are a security threat to Sweden, which as ministers or high-ranking officials in the right-wing government have access to Sweden’s secret foreign and security policy papers.

In addition, the party’s Putin sympathies could endanger Sweden’s NATO membership.

Åkesson accuses Democrats of dictatorial tactics

Jimmie Åkesson responded in a flash to the Democratic accusations and considered them gestures referring to dictatorship, with which the prime minister’s party attacks the opposition.

According to Åkesson, it is unbelievable that the Social Democrats resort to such tactics, especially when the party, according to Åkesson, has made Sweden the most vulnerable ever, and which bullies its citizens with taxes and absurd electricity and fuel prices.
