Grichka Bogdanoff, Igor’s twin, died at the age of 72 from Covid-19

Grichka Bogdanoff Igors twin died at the age of 72

With his brother Igor, Grichka was a figure of French television and scientific popularization. He died this Tuesday, December 28, 2021 in Paris, according to a press release from his agent.

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A press release from Agence France Presse made a sad announcement. Grichka Bogdanoff died this Tuesday, December 28 at the age of 72 in a Parisian hospital. The causes of his death were clarified soon after. This is the Covid-19 for which, with his brother Igor, he had been in intensive care since December 15. Grichka Bogdanoff, like her brother, was not vaccinated against Covid-19.

Surrounded by the love of his family and his loved ones, Grichka Bogdanoff passed away peacefully, on December 28, 2021, to join his stars », Specifies the press release sent to AFP.

Two TV stars with Time X

With his brother twin Igor, Grichka presented the show Time X, broadcast from 1979 to 1987 on TF1. The magazine mixed popular science, but also science fiction. His avatars, during the 1980s, served greatly to publicize the works and authors of science fiction such as Dune by Frank Herbert Where 2001: a space odyssey by Arthur Clarke.

Many Generation X children and adolescents have also taken an interest in science thanks to Time X just like many NASA engineers found their calling in the works of Clarke and Ray bradbury. But a number of polemics, the best known of which will remain “the Bogdanoff Affair” have unfortunately made an indisputable negative counterpoint to the legacy of Time X.

Temps X, TF1, April 21, 1979. First popular science program presented by the brothers Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff. This new program deals with science fiction in cinema, literature, but also in science. © INA Cult

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