Grey’s Anatomy: We already know how season 20 ends! A radical end with a crazy decision by Meredith

Greys Anatomy We already know how season 20 ends A

After 20 years of good and loyal service, “Grey’s Anatomy” returns for a anniversary season full of twists and turns. And the end should return to you.

Real television phenomenon since its launch in 2005, on the American channel ABC, Grey’s Anatomy No longer stops seeing the patients parade and the doctors tear their hair at the Gray Sloan Memorial Hospital in Seattle. Twenty years after its beginnings, the medical series created by Shonda Rhimes returns for a 20th event season, this Wednesday, March 19, on TF1. This new season having already been broadcast in the United States last year, as well as on Disney+ in our regions, as much to tell you that we already know all the details.

Meredith Gray, brilliantly interpreted by Ellen Pompeo, is obviously at the heart of the new intrigue. This year, the surgery head is continuing its research on Alzheimer’s disease, a subject that has been particularly close to his heart since his mother was reached. But her work is collided with the opposition of Catherine Fox, the matriarch of the Gray Sloan Memorial Hospital, determined to keep control over the establishment.

You have to rekindle the flame every year: this season 20 of Grey’s Anatomy Go experience countless dramas and twists and turns over the episodes, diseases and accidents that will arise. But the common thread will indeed remain this Tension that will rise throughout the broadcasts between Meredith and his direction, until the final outcome as surprising as it is audacious. Attention spoiler!

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Greys Anatomy, season 20: attention spoiler

In a strong gesture, Meredith will finally decide in the last episode of this season 20 to publish his online research before presenting his resignation, having been exposed and forced to give in to another doctor. A radical but coherent choice, as chivalrous as one can expect from the brave Meredith Gray, ready to do anything to advance science. It should also be noted that this final episode of Grey’s Anatomy will also be a crossover with the last two episodes of season 7 of Station 19the spin-off focused on the firefighters of Seattle (do you follow?). What to add a small “waouh” effect to this final.

In a recent interview with the American magazine Shondaland, the showrunner of Grey’s AnatomyMeg Marinis, commented this breathtaking final. According to her, it is a question of further exploring the character’s link with Alzheimer’s disease, as well as her commitment to medical research. “Big fan of the story of Meredith and his mother”, at the origin of the research of the heroine, Marinis also says that she wanted to develop Gray’s balance of power with Catherine.

“Catherine thought of having the last word. I always wanted to reverse the trend, so that Meredith has the upper hand. Because facing Catherine, generally, nobody wins,” she explains. She also points out that this season 20 will also be new proof that “Meredith is still demolishing everything” to achieve her ends.

A shortened season 20 for Grey’s Anatomy

This anniversary season of Grey’s Anatomy therefore promises his share of emotions and reversals of situations. And there is another detail in this season which should surprise: its length. Season 20 has indeed been shortened compared to the previous ones, it will only have 10 episodes instead of the usual 20. A peculiarity due to the strike of the writers who disrupted the filming of the saga and many other series in the United States in 2023.

But that we reassure ourselves, there will be, despite these upheavals in the script and broadcasting, a 21st season of Grey’s Anatomy. This has already been confirmed, which means that this is not the end of Meredith’s journey and doctors of the Gray Sloan Memorial Hospital.
