Grégory Panaccione, “The little light” in a new light

Gregory Panaccione The little light in a new light

After ” An ocean of love » (Fnac comic book prize in 2015) and after « someone to talk to “(Landernau Prize for comics in 2021), the talented Grégory Panaccione returns with a moving graphic adaptation of Antonio Moresco’s novel ” The little light “. An atmospheric comic strip that evokes old age and childhood, all in delicacy and silence.

He is a comic book writer sparing of words, but prolific in emotions. A draftsman, illustrator and colorist capable of expressing and adopting a unique style and atmosphere. Witness this sumptuous graphic adaptation, as intriguing as it is moving, of Antonio Moresco’s best-selling novel ” Lucina “.

With magnificent plays of colors, shadows and lights, with silences that say as much as dialogues, with characters whose eyes touch the depths of the soul, Grégory Panaccione takes us into a starry night or under the Italian sun, in the strange quest of a solitary old man, intrigued by a mysterious glow that he sees every evening on the hill opposite his home. A somewhat fantastic story that speaks of old age and childhood, life and death with the simplicity of sincerity.

The little light “, of Gregory Panaccione, was published by Delcourt editions, in the Mirages collection.

At the end of the show, Marjorie Bertin met the journalist and also singer Kareen Guick-Thuram on the occasion of the release of her first album ” Nina “. A vibrant tribute to the unforgettable Nina Simone, who passed away just 20 years ago.
