(Finance) – On the theme of Revision of the European Green Dealwith the aim of restore the central role of farmers In environmental policies, instead of attacking and denigrating them, the minister of agriculture, food sovereignty and forests, Francesco Lollobrigidahas highlighted the progress completed in the last two years. Responding to journalists during the Agriculture Council in Brussels, he said that the new European Commission “has well set the work”, taking more into consideration the needs of the economy and workers.
To a question about the “steps back” in the Green Deal, requested by Italy and the political-right political forces, and now more and more by other Member States, the minister replied denying that it is precisely “steps back” , and claiming to believe “That there are some steps forward on the Green Deal understood as a pact for the environmentbecause recognizing the agricultor a central role in the protection of the environment is the first step forward “.
“Here we speak, moreover – continued Lollobrigida – of a picture that re -tightened” to the origins; “Soon it will be the anniversary of the Treaties of Rome” with which the European Economic Community and the Euratom in 1957 were founded. These treaties “just read them to understand that agriculture was the economic architrave, and not only economic but also of environmental protection, which the constituent fathers had identified in the EU, then the EEC. the perspective must be changed“.
With regard to the measures of the green deal to be reviewed or withdrawn, Lollobrigida has announced the Presentation of a document updated to the EU by February 19thin conjunction with the guidelines of Commissioner Christophe Hansen. The document, he explained, includes new relevant aspects and removes the issues already resolved.
Among the points underlined by the Minister in the EU Council, the administrative simplification – considered crucial to reduce the 2,000 obligations required of the regional states – and the need for adequate resources stand out. “The simplification must be done really, not only announced“, he said.
Lollobrigida avoided entering the technical details in order not to dwell, but reiterated Italy’s commitment in proposing a structured and articulated strategy for an effective revision of the Green Deal.