Greek decision from the ECHR! Registered – World News

Greek decision from the ECHR Registered World News

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), in the case regarding the incident in which 11 people, including children and infants, drowned in the Aegean Sea as a result of the Greek security forces pushing a boat carrying immigrants, found that Greece violated Articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. decided that he did.

According to the written statement made by the ECHR, the court decided that the Greek security forces’ actions violated the right to life of immigrants and the prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment.

In the investigation, it was revealed that the statements made as a result of the fact that the officials who took the statements did not know the language of the immigrants contradicted the ones recorded.

The court found that the Greek security forces did not give life jackets to the migrants, did not call a larger boat to evacuate them from the boat, and the incident was reported to the authorities with a delay.

Pointing out that the surviving immigrants were forced to undress in the open in front of many security guards, the court stated that the human rights of the immigrants were also violated.

The court also stated that the ban on ill-treatment was also violated after the surviving migrants were disembarked.

On the other hand, the court sentenced the Greek authorities to a total compensation of 330 thousand euros due to the violations of the Greek security forces in the incident.


According to the information contained in the court decision, Greek coast guards intercepted a boat on 20 January 2014, among which there were immigrants from Afghanistan, Syria and Palestine.


According to the statements, the Greek authorities explained that the boat capsized as a result of the movement of immigrants, while an immigrant who witnessed the incident stated that the boat pulling the boat was too fast and the traction rope was short, and the boat sank when the Greek forces cut the rope.

The immigrants who managed to escape from the boat, on the other hand, asked for help by showing the babies of the immigrants after the boat sank, but according to the statements, the Greek coast guard teams responded by swearing.

Survivors said they were threatened by security forces not to tell about the incident after they were rescued. (AA)
