At the dawn of the new Moon on November 1, it is time to take stock of the energies that the different signs of the zodiac will go through. Success, luck in love or a period of adjustment, find out what awaits you…
True pivot of the year 2024 for many signs of the zodiac, the new Moon of the 1er November brings with it its quota of surprises. This lunar upheaval will take place in the sign of Scorpio at 1:47 p.m. precisely according to the IMCCE (Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris Calculation). It should put authenticity back at the heart of our lives and help us get rid of the superfluous. Hang in there, this new Moon promises to be challenging for some signs!
At the heart of this lunation, we find Scorpio, a charismatic and frank sign, which should feel the energies of this period better than anyone. According to Isabelle Elvira, the magazine’s astrologer Current WomanScorpio will find in this new Moon the opportunity to stand out in the heart of a month of October where it lacks vitality. “You shine and attract all the attention, especially that of the person you like!”, she explains. A great program for this day of 1er november.

Other signs of the zodiac will be sensitive to the influence of the Moon. This is particularly the case for Virgo who could have luck when it comes to her heart. This is the ideal time to declare your love for your loved one, the stars are aligned to ensure the success of your business. For their part, Gemini and Aries will be able to rely on this new Moon as well as the full Moon in November to find their way. “They will guide you towards your successes… Step by step”, affirms the astrologer. Cancer will have to be lucid in the face of the emotions of this new Moon which will lead them to look reality in the face. Astrologer Natasha Merani from the magazine Marie France invites you to embark on new projects: “This is the ideal time to try new experiences, because you will like everything”.
The other signs of the zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, Taurus and Capricorn will not be forgotten during the new Moon which could well constitute a turning point in this fall of 2024. Natasha Merani tells us invites us to free ourselves from the worries and toxic elements of our daily life. According to the astrologer, “Scorpio, sign of the month, invites us to turn inward, to expel everything that weighs us outward.” A good resolution to start the year 2025 on a healthier basis!