A Measles Outbreak in the Grand Erie Region Shows No Signs of Slowing, with Nine New Confirmed Cases This Week. That Brings the Total This Year to 57 Cases, Mostly in Unvaccinated Children in Norfolk County.
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But in a glimmer of hop, a vaccine clinic in burford on monday drew double the expected number of residents, suggesting the health unit’s efforts to encourage early vaccination against the highly contagious disease are paying off.
Interim Medical Officer of Health Dr. Malcolm Lock Called the Clinic in Brant County “A Great Success,” with 43 people choosing to be immunized against Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR).
“Most of Those Were Children,” Lock Told Reporters During A Conference Call On Thursday.
“The expectation was surround 20, and we doubled that.”
Health Officials Say 23 Doses Went to Kids Between the Ages of One and Four, While Four Infants Under a Year Old Got An Early Booster Shot to Reduce Their Risk of Contracting The Disease.
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The Strong Community Response “Reflects That at Least Some of the Population Are Paying attention” To the Rare But Serious Potential Health Complications of Measles, Lock Said.
“I think this is an indication that the messaging we sending out is having some impact, and it’s good to see the clinics are well-typed.”
Health Canada has expanded eligibility for mmr boosters for infants between six and 11 months old, ahead of the usual first dose just after the child’s first birthday.
And Instread of Waiting UNTIL They Turn Four, Children Can Now Get A Second Dose As Soon As Four Weeks After Their First Shot.
Two Doses of the MMR Vaccine Provids Nearly Total Lifelong Protection Against Infection, Health Officials say.
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A Second Clinic was Scheduled for Thursday in Simcoe, and ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR A FEB. 24 Clinic in Vittoria.
Of the nine new confirmed Measles Cases Announced in Grand Erie this Week, Two People Are in Hospital While The Rest Are Recovering at Home.
Walsingham Christian School, A Private Religious School in Norfolk, Made Its Third Appearance on the List of Locations where People Could Have Been Exposed To The Measles Virus, Which Can Hang in the Air For Several Hours after An Infected Pers Huch, Sneezes or Breathes.
The School was a potential exhibition site on Feb. 10, With Exposure also possible at Norfolk General Hospital in Simcoe on Feb. 14 Between 3:30 pm and 11:30 pm
In an Earlier Interview, the main of Walsingham Christian School Said The School Follows All Health Unit Directives and Sends Home Educational Material on the importance of vaccination.
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“We have more studs sick than are actually confirmed Measles Cases,” Martin Klassen Told the spectator, Adding “A Majority” of the School’s 175 Students Are Fully Vaccinated, While Some Are Missing A Second Mmr Dose.
Health officials say 95 per hundred vaccination coverage is neded for herd immunity against measles.
With the School Officially in Outbreak, The Health Unit Ordered Unvaccinated Students Whose Families Decline Immunization to Stay Home During the Virus’ 21-Day Quarantine Period after an exhibition.
Klassen Said at One Point, 15 to 18 per cent of the Student Body was Either off sick or in quarantine.
“We are awake that this is very disruptive,” Lock Said, Adding the Health Unit Tries to make Getting Kids Vaccinated “AS Easy as Possible for the parents” by Hosting Booster Clinics on-site for Students and Staff During School Hours.
JP Antonacci is a local journalism initiative reporter based at the hamilton spectator. The Initiative is Funded by the Government of Canada.
Upcoming Measles Vaccine Clinicals
Grand Erie Public Health is Providing Measles Vaccines at Four Upcoming Clinicals:
- Feb. 22 AT Oakland-Scotland Public School;
- Feb. 24 AT Vittoria Community Center;
- March 1 at the Syl Apps Community Center;
- March 1 at Townsend Lions Hall.